BC Elders Council (BCEC)

Address: 1436 Weiwaikum Rd. Campbell River, BC, V9W 5W8
Email: bcelderscouncil@gmail.com
Website: www.bcelders.com

September 25, 2023

Dear Elders and Elder Support Workers,

In the upcoming weeks and months, I will be reaching out to all Nations, urging each Elders group to nominate a representative for their Nation in the reinvigorated BC Elders Council, serving a two-year term.

We strongly recommend that Nations select their representatives by drawing a name from all interested Elders, as elections can be daunting and time-consuming. Each Nation is requested to provide the name and email address of their chosen representative well in advance of the 2024 Elders Gathering next August. The Elder’s representatives will be invited to share their Nation’s top 5 priorities and the most pressing concerns of their Elders.

Black Bear Sitting In A Circle


Our goal is to have a member or alternate attending from each Nation, band, group, or organization.

Please reach out to us by sending an email to bcelderscouncil@gmail.com, joining our Facebook Page: BC Elders Council | Campbell River BC | Facebook, or using the mailing address provided in this letter. Although the BCEC does not currently have an official website or phone number, we are supported under the umbrella of The B.C. Elders Communication Center Society, and you can find more information on their website at https://www.bcelders.com.


Wilf Charest (Wa Kum Ka Las)
Executive Director, BCEC

BC Elders Council | Campbell River BC | Facebook

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